Even if your rechargeable scooter is equipped with a robust BMS, none of the different sizes of power adapters you mentioned are suitable as charging options.
- Since even an “empty” 10S battery pack may already be close to 30V, a 12V charger is probably not going to raise the battery pack voltage to a higher level. Plugging a 12V charger into a charging port where the pack voltage is already close to 30V (or higher) could potentially damage the charger, and even with a BMS, it may not be able to completely stop the current from flowing into the charger and causing a short circuit.
- The BMS can only protect the battery pack and itself, but its protection range is limited by its rated maximum voltage. Therefore, using a 54.6V power adapter may exceed the rated voltage range of the BMS, resulting in potential BMS damage.
- The S-6S charger is also unable to charge a battery pack whose voltage is already approaching 30V or higher.
So, I would recommend not using an existing charging device to attempt charging to avoid potential damage.
MORE: Can a 3s lithium battery pack with a 20A BMS be charged from a 12V 3A power supply?